What to Give a Dog for Throwing Up – Home Remedies for Dog Vomiting and Upset Stomach: Every dog owner can say this has happened to them.
There are times when you practice cleanliness, you are cautious about what your pet eats. But you will find your dog vomiting because it has eaten something that it should not eat.
When you find or see your dog vomiting, you might get into panic and want to rush it to a vet. In most cases, you can get dog vomiting treatment at home. There are home remedies for dog vomiting that you can implement to cure throwing up in dogs.
What are these home remedies for dog throwing up? In this article, you will discover what to give a dog to stop vomiting.
The extent of Dog Vomiting
Before you find a remedy for dog throwing up, the first thing you need to check is the extent of the vomit. How serious is the vomit? Is it vomiting because it has eaten something it should not eat? Is it throwing up because of eating dirt? Is it vomiting blood? It is just sick and does not want to eat?
If the vomiting is caused by a serious problem, then you will need to visit a vet as soon as possible.
In most cases they say prevention is better than cure, other than finding dog vomiting medicine, you can always learn how to prevent it.
If you still want to learn on the home remedy for dog vomiting, then continue reading or you can scroll down to what to give a dog for vomiting.
If your pet throws up, once or twice and then returns back to normal, then the issue is most likely minor. In this case, you can use the suggested home remedies for dog vomiting and upset stomach.
In this case, you will find the vomiting is caused by a change in diet. You might find there is a rapid change of dog food to something that your dog is not used to.
However, if you see an increase in vomiting in your pet, which makes it look exhausted or very weak, then you need to visit a vet, especially if the vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea and blood in the stool.
What can you give a dog for throwing up?
What can I give my dog to help him quit throwing up?
Let’s find out what to give a dog for vomiting while at home.
What to Give a Dog for Throwing Up – Home Remedies for Dog Vomiting and Upset
Not once, have I been asked, what can I give my dog to stop throwing up? or what can you give your dog for vomiting? There are things that can easily be managed at home by the use of simple home remedies.
When your dog vomits, you don’t need to panic or rush to a vet. There are confirmed home remedies for vomiting dogs. There are things you can do or give your dog to stop vomiting.
Find what to give dogs when they throw up.
Withhold Food: Digestive Recovery
Withholding food from your dog is one of the best ways to stop a dog from vomiting. It is a way of restoring their health back to normal. If you have a full-grown adult dog, you can stop feeding them for 24hrs. If it is a puppy, feed it 12 hours after vomiting.
By not feeding your dog, it gives the gastrointestinal tract time to rest and recover. If they stop eating, chances are they will not start vomiting again.
Ginger is a nice home remedy for dog vomiting. It is known to provide instant relief for vomiting in dogs.
Ginger is considered to have an antiemetic effect that blocks the serotonin receptors in the gut that causes nausea. You can feed the dog in raw form or powdered and in the right quantity.
When using ginger, you can use 1 tbsp of fresh ginger root, slice and chop it, and put it in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Allow it to cool and give your dog 1 full teaspoon. For every bodyweight of 15 lbs give your dog 1 tsp.
If your dog does not eat the raw ginger, you can sprinkle the ginger power on a slice of bread that is applied with honey.
Chicken Broth
The Chicken broth offers an amazing way of stopping dogs from throwing up. Apart from the nutritional value, it also helps in dehydration. It is advisable to prepare your homemade chicken broth, instead of buying it at the store. The store-bought chicken broths mostly contain harmful additives that might upset your dog’s stomach further.
Introduce Electrolytes
You can introduce your dog to small amounts of electrolytes by giving liquids such as Pedialyte or Gatorade.
Gatorade is not only meant for athletes, but your pet can also benefit from it. The electrolytes aids in replenishing and restoring your dog’s body to its normal state.
Slippery Elm Bark
This is an herbal remedy for pet vomiting. It contains tannins that assist in reducing inflammation. The remedy helps to soothe an upset stomach and relieve diarrhea. It is also loaded with vitamins. The slippery elm bark should not be administered to pregnant dogs or those dogs that are under medications.
Provide Ice Chips
A vomiting dog can become dehydrated very fast. It is also very difficult for a vomiting pet to keep water down; therefore you can offer ice chips that are less likely to trigger vomiting and will make your dog feel better.
Feed Herbs
You can feed your dog with herbs such as catnip, chamomile, fennel, and peppermint to stop dog vomiting. These herbs serve to calm down an irritated stomach. A good number of herbs contain anti-spasmodic properties that ease nausea.
Supplement a Dog’s Diet with Fiber
A fiber-rich dog food helps to absorb substances in the stomach and intestines causing your dog to throw up. The fiber also helps to facilitate digestion and relieve constipation. High-fiber dog food that can easily be found at home includes canned pumpkin, apples, and brown rice.
A mixture of 70 percent boiled rice and 30 percent chicken meat is a perfect kind of bland diet dish dogs will eat to reduce vomiting.
Elevate Dog’s Food Bowl
Your dog might be suffering from regurgitation disorders. You can prevent or stop vomiting by placing the dog bowl a few inches off the floor. This will enable your dog to swallow the food with ease and reach the stomach before being regurgitated.
Conclusion on Dog Vomiting Treatment
We believe you will find the best home remedy for your dog throwing up. If the problem persists seek the help of a vet.